
Leverage the growing demand for Certified Java professionals

JavaCourse Overview

JavaTraining - Get Connected with the best Freelance Trainer to learn Javaconcepts and to get guidance on clearing Javacertification. You will also get an exposure to industry based Real-time projects in various verticals.

Modes of Training

Self-Paced Learning

  • High Quality videos built by industry experts with theory and demonstration of features and tasks of the Java
  • Learn at your Convenience.
  • You get pre-defined recordings from the Trainer.
  • Fixed Course Content.
  • Certification Guidance Provided.
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Instructor-led Training

  • Live Presentation of theory and demonstration of features and tasks of the Java
  • You get recordings of each training session that you attend.
  • Delivered through Goto Meeting.
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Corporate Training

For Business
  • F2F interactive presentation of theory and demonstration of features and tasks of the Java
  • Learn as per full day schedule with discussions & exercises.
  • No recordings available, however you can choose self-paced video if needed.
  • Completely Customizable Course Content & Schedule.
  • Certification Guidance Provided.
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History of Java
Language Fundamentals
Java Program Development
Java Source File Structure
Compilation & Executions
Eclipse Tool Usage

Java Tokens, Identifiers , Keywords, Literals , Comments , Primitive Data types
Condition Statements
Control Statements
Command line Arguments

OOPS Fundamentals.
Class & Object
Function Models
Array of Objects
Static Members
Constructors , Parameterized Constructors, Constructor Overloading
Method Overloading
Access Specifiers & Access Modifiers
Design of Accessor and Mutator Methods
Inheritance – Types of Inheritance, Method Overiding, super keyword
Abstract Class – Interfaces
Objects Cloning
Singleton class

String , StringBuffer & StringBulider
Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
Introduction to all pre-defined Packages
Defining Package
Making JAR Files for Library Packages
Import and Static Import

Exceptions & Errors
Types of Exception
Control Flow In Exceptions
Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
In-built and User Defined Exceptions
Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
Inner Classes
Member Inner Class
Static Inner Class
Local Inner Class
Anonymous Inner Class
Multi Threading
Understanding Threads , Needs of Multi-threaded
Thread Life-Cycle
Multiple Threads in a program
Thread Priorities
Synchronizing Threads
Input/Output Operation in Java( Package)
Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
Understanding Streams
The Classes for Input and Output
The Standard Streams
Working with File Object
File I/O Basics
Reading and Writing to Files
Serialization & Deserialization
Collections Framework & Utility Classes
Introduction to Collection Framework
Date & Time
Utility Methods for Arrays
List interface & its classes
Set interface & its classes
Map interface & its classes
Iterator & ListIterator & Enumeration Interfaces
Using Scanner
Properties class
Calendar class

What is Jdbc?
What is Driver? and Types of drivers.
Basic commands of MySQL(DDL,DML,DRL)
How to load Driver class
. How to establish Connection b/w Java & Data base s/w.
How to get Statment or PrepareStatement or CallableStatement Objects and its role.
How to perform INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE operations from JDBC in JAVA.
HOW to perform SELECT Operations from JDBC in JAVA.
How to execute pL/SQL functions & Procedures from JDBC in JAVA.
How to perform DATE INSERTION from JDBC in JAVA.
How to perform DATE SELECT from JDBC in JAVA.
DatabaseMetaData and ResultSetMetaData Interfaces

What is CGI& its Drawbacks.
What is SERVLET.
How many to develop Servlet.
Servlet Life Cycle.
what is URL-Pattern. Types of URL-Patterns.
xml importance and its tags.
How to develop form pages with Html.
Integration of Form pages & Servlet.
How to read the form pages infomation from servelt.
Integration of Form pages, Servelt & JDBC Application.
Information about ServletConfig & ServletContext,ServletRequest,ServletResponse.
Servlet Chaining(Forward &Include operations).
sendRedirect concept.
Session Tracking.
What is Attribute & types of Attributes.
Jsp phases.
Jsp life cycle.
Jsp tags
Scripting tags. (Declaration tags, Expression tags, Scriplets)
Directive tags (Include , Page, Taglib)
Action tags. (include , forward , useBean , setProperty , getProperty , params , plugin)
Custom tags
Integration of Jsp,Servlet,Jdbc example application.
Creating War and deploying in Web Server
Day 1: Introduction to Java Concepts of JDBC and SQL Drivers
Day2: Basic SQL Queries of MySQL Database
Day3: JDBC Programming with CRUD operations (Insert , Update , Delete, Create, Drop)
Day4: JDBC Programming to retrieve data from database using ResultSet Interface
Day5: JDBC Programming with CRUD operations using PreparedStatement Interface
Day6: JDBC Programming using Batch Executions , DatabaseMetaData and ResultSetMetaData Interfaces.
Day7: Introduction to Web technologies architecture , Apache Tomcat web server, Eclipse IDE
Day8: Client Side Programming basics : HTML Tags
Day9: Java Servlet Life Cycle and develop sample Java Servlet Program
Day10: Request Processing using getParameter() and getParameterNames()
Day11: Redirection of response and Request Dispatching to another resource
Day12: HttpSession interface , ServletConfig & ServletContext interfaces
Day13: Java Servlets integration with JDBC concept and DAO design pattern
Day14: Drawbacks of Servlet and Life cycle of a Java Server Page (JSP) – Basics of JSP declaration & expression tag.
Day15: JSP Implicit Objects and JSP Scriplets with Examples
Day16: JSP Directives – include , page , taglib
Day17: JSP Custom tag creation & JSP Action Elements ( forward , include , params)
Day18: POJO Class definition & JSP Action Elements(useBean , setProperty , getProperty)
Day19: JSP integration with JDBC concepts
Day20: WAR File creation and deploying the WAR file in Tomcat Web Server

Our Course in Comparison


  • Demos at Convenient Time?
  • 1-1 Training
  • Batch Start Dates
  • Customize Course Content
  • LifeLong Access to LMS
  • 24*7 Support
  • EMI Option
  • Group Discounts


  • At your Convenience


  • Fixed

Java Online Training FAQ's

Yes, you get two kinds of discounts. They are group discount and referral discount. Group discount is offered when you join as a group, and referral discount is offered when you are referred from someone who has already enrolled in our training.

Yes, we will discuss with our instructor and will schedule according to the time convenient to you.

The trainer will give Server Access to the course seekers, and we make sure you acquire practical hands-on training by providing you with every utility that is needed for your understanding of the course.

The trainer is a certified consultant and has significant amount of experience in working with the technology.

We will take care of providing you with all that is required to get placed in a reputed MNC and also forward your resume to the companies we tie-up with. Starting from providing the in-depth course material to explanation of the real-time scenarios and preparing your resumes, we will make you gain expertise so that you can get a job.

We assist you completely in acquiring certification. We ensure you will get certified easily after our training.

Yes, we accept payments in two installments.

If you are enrolled in classes and/or have paid fees, but want to cancel the registration for certain reason, it can be attained within first 2 sessions of the training. Please make a note that refunds will be processed within 30 days of prior request.

Our trainer explains every topic along with real-time scenarios. In the last one or two sessions, the trainer will explain one end-to-end project to showcase the real time working environment.

Find a training facility that works for you !

To meet the learning needs of people spread across various geographical locations, we are offering our high-quality training services at the location of your choice to ensure you obtain maximum impact for your training investment. Choose your city below.

JavaTraining in Hyderabad

Hyderabad is the capital city of Telangana state and is well known for the major technology township, HITECH city, as well as India’s largest start-up ecosystem, T-Hub. It attracted more than 1500 IT firms including Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Salesforce, and many more. Therefore, the future scope of IT industry sounds great in Hyderabad with enormous opportunities for software professionals. Varo-IT JavaTraining in Hyderabad is designed to uplift your career in this domain.

Our Hyderabad Correspondence / Mailing address

Panjagutta Hyderabad Telangana 500082 India

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JavaTraining in Bangalore

Bangalore is the IT capital of India and is regarded as one of the top 10 fastest growing cities in the world with an average economic growth rate of 8.5%. The city has attracted a large number of IT firms, startup investments, research and development organizations, and many more. JavaTraining is an ever-changing field which has numerous job opportunities and excellent career scope. Our JavaTraining in Bangalore is designed to enhance your skillset and successfully clear the JavaTraining certification exam.

Our Bangalore Correspondence / Mailing address

#811, 10th A Main, Suite No.506 1st Floor, Indira Nagar Bangalore, India - 560038

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